Dissemination platform
In this section of the website you are invited to download different results of the ENVIEVAL project. Over the course of the project you will find here most of the project deliverables as well as material on project events such as stakeholder workshops and consultations, case study results on the tests of different evaluation methods, methodological fact sheets and other publications in relation to the ENVIEVAL project. The different sections of the dissemination platform (events, stakeholder consultations, publications and deliverables) will be continuously updated with new files to download. We are also interested in receiving information on other related projects you might be working on. If you have information (including links to other project websites) which you feel might be of interest to the ENVIEVAL project, we would like to invite you to get in touch with us. We will disseminate the information among our project team and would be happy to explore possible ways to collaborate. Please contact Zymantas Morkvenas who is responsible for the dissemination and knowledge exchange.