Against this background, the main aim of ENVIEVAL is to develop and test improved tools for the evaluation of environmental impacts of rural development measures and programmes in EU Member States. In order to achieve this main aim, the project has five objectives:
- To review implemented rural development programmes, existing monitoring and indicator systems, and new methodological developments in environmental policy evaluation
- To develop new methodological frameworks for the evaluation of net environmental effects of rural development programmes against their counterfactual
- To test and validate the selected evaluation methods through public good case study applications in the partner countries and close collaboration with the European Evaluation Network, national and regional evaluators and managing authorities
- To assess the cost-effectiveness of the tested indicators and evaluation methods
- To provide a methodological handbook for the evaluation of environmental impacts of rural development programmes.
The main innovative aspects of the new methodological frameworks are that they enable the integration of micro- and macro-level evaluations (and their results) and provide guidance on the selection and application of cost-effective evaluation methods to estimate net effects of rural development programmes on the different main public goods from farming and forestry.
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